Containerschiff im Eismeer

SeaDry desiccants also work in the Arctic Zone

We regularly put our products through their paces. This way you can always be sure that you are not getting empty promises, but the best possible quality. One requirement of the German Armed Forces, where our SeaDry container desiccants are listed, was that they must remain effective even at extreme minus temperatures. See the test result on the following page.

  • Trial step 1: 24 hours at - 40°C in a cold chamber at BFSV Verpackungsinstitut Hamburg GmbH
  • Trial step 2: 25 days at 37°C and 90% relative humidity in a climate chamber of ThoMar OHG
  • Result: No impairment of properties and saturation behaviour of the SeaDry products due to exposure to cold
Test result SeaDry after minus 40 degrees in the cold chamber


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