SeaDry container desiccant via Kaufhaus des Bundes
- Oct 18, 2022
In the course of a call for tenders by the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr / BAAINBw), ThoMar OHG has concluded a framework contract with the Central Procurement Office for the supply of dehumidifiers for vehicles and containers.
In addition to all Bundeswehr departments and HIL Heeresinstandsetzungslogistik GmbH, various federal offices and federal police directorates assigned to the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI) and the General Customs Directorate and main customs offices assigned to the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) are also entitled to order. All demand carriers are listed in an annex to the framework agreement, which can be accessed via the individual electronic access to the Kaufhaus des Bundes (KdB).
The following SeaDry container desiccants are available as dehumidifiers for vehicles and containers at any time within the agreed period in accordance with the existing framework agreement:
- SeaDry Pole Horizontal 750g, with hook, hangs horizontally, with protective box
(Versorgungsnummer 6850-12-394-2721 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-5) - SeaDry Pole Horizontal 1.200g, with hook, hangs horizontally, with protective box
(Versorgungsnr 4440-12-415-8933 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-8) - SeaDry Pole Horizontal 1.500g, with hook, hangs horizontally, with protective box
(Versorgungsnr 6850-12-394-2722 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-4) - SeaDry Pole Vertikal 1.000g, with hook, hangs vertically, with protective box
(Versorgungsnr 4440-12-415-8934 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-9) - SeaDry Pole Vertikal 1.200g, with hook, hangs vertically, with protective box
(Versorgungsnr 4440-12-415-8935 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-10) - SeaDry Hook 1.200g, with hook, hangs vertically, adhesive
(Versorgungsnr 4440-12-409-9690 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-7) - SeaDry Single 125g, desiccant bag, compact dimensions
(Versorgungsnr 4440-12-415-8937 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-12)
(Versorgungsnr 6850-12-394-2705 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-1) - SeaDry Single 125g ADH, desiccant bag, compact dimensions, adhesive
(Versorgungsnr 4440-12-415-8936 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-11)
(Versorgungsnr 6850-12-394-2713 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-2) - SeaDry Strip 750g ADH, desiccant chain, flexible positioning, adhesive
(Versorgungsnr 6850-12-394-2717 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-3) - SeaDry Blanket 1.500g, desiccant blanket, lies on product / device / packaging
(Versorgungsnr 6850-12-394-2641 / Teilekennzeichen 6850-0071-6)
The supply items required in each case in accordance with TL 6850-0071 can be ordered directly from ThoMar OHG via Kaufhaus des Bundes as the central electronic purchasing platform for federal authorities and facilities.